"The corner of my memory, a brown guitar settled on one side. In the corner of my childhood house, a brown guitar settled on our side." I remember that moment, way taller than my height. The brown guitar that guided me. and I looked up to you. I yearned for you when I touched you with my small finger.

"I feel so nice mom."

  I played the guitar wherever my hand took me. I didn't know your significance back then, back then I was content with just looking at a picture of you. I remember during my elementary school days, when my height became taller than yours. I neglected you when I once yearned for you so, on top of the white jade – like guitar, dust is piling on.

  Your image that has been neglected, even then I didn't know your significance. No matter where I am. You always defended that spot. But I didn't know, that would be the last time we met.

  " Don't worry even if I leave, you'll do well on your own. I remember when I first met you, before I knew it you grew up. Though we are putting an end to our relationship, don't ever feel sorry to me. I will get to meet you again no matter in what forms. So greet me happily then",You said.

   I remember back then when I met you that I had completely forgotten, When I was around 17. The awkwardness was only for a moment. I touched you again, even though I was gone for a long time. Yet you still accepted me, and without you, I am nothing.

  And after the dawn, two of us, we welcomed the sunrise together. I told to myself that don't let go of my hand forever. I won't let go of you again either.

  I remember back then, We burned the last of my teen's. Yes, the days when we couldn't see an inch infront of us. We laughed, we cries, those days with you, those moments are now in memories. I said, "grasping crushed shoulder, I really can't do anymore".

  And everytime I wanted to give up.
by my side you said, "my child, you can really do it".

  I remember back then when I was fed up and lost. Back then when i fell into a pit of despair. Even when I pushed you away. Even when I resented meeting you and yet, you were firmly by my side.

You didn't have to say anything. So don't let go of my hand again. And I won't let you go ever again either. My birth and the end of my life, you will be there to watch over it all. You always be here. till death do us part.

"The corner of my memory, a brown guitar settled on one side. In the corner of my childhood house, a brown guitar settled on our side." 



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